Sunday, October 5, 2008

We made a pilgrimage to the village near Quang Ngai along the central coast of Vietnam where US troops massacred 504 "noncombatants" during four hours on March 16, 1968, just over 40 years ago now. Many people have heard of the My Lai massacre and this sign indicates the site of an irrigation ditch where some of the villagers where machine gunned to death by Lt. Calley and others. At the same time that Charlie Company was going beserk in "My Lai", the troops of Bravo Company killed 97 civilians in a nearby hamlet, Co Ly. The book, "Four Hours in My Lai" by Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim is an exhaustive study of what happened before during and after the massacres.

This is one of many photos of murdered villagers taken by Ron Haberle, a US Army photographer with Charlie Company. Haberle's photos helped convince skeptics that something terrible had taken place on March 16, 1968. The story only came to light in late 1969.

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