Saturday, March 12, 2011

US helicopter pilots kill 9 Afghan boys, ages 7-13

It is way past time for the US to get out of Afghanistan as an occupying force. published this story about the killing of nine boys collecting firewood on a hillside.  It is painful to image this incident, but please read about it.  From another source, I've learned the names of the boys.
Khalid, 13, son of Bismillah
Abid, 10, son of Bismillah
Khalid, 10, son of Ahmad Khan
Ziairahman, 12, son of Nisbah
Jawad, 11, son of Sabhanullah
Ihsanullah, 11, son of Sabhanullah
Shahidullah, 7, son of Rahman
Jawed, 11, son of Wali Mohammad
Umra Khan, 10, son of Safiullah

I want to be proud to be an American.  How can we be a proud nation when our troops are killing children?  I am ashamed and profoundly sad that we, as a nation, are killing children.

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